It was just a few years, the current tech buzzing word 'CLOUD' blossomed. Larry Ellison, CEO Oracle, said computing industry is the only industry that is more fashion-driven. Even Apple, Inc - not often a follower of industry fashion got into the act. So, does that mean computing industry is seriously on a 'paradigm-shift'? There are also technologists who argue that cloud computing is essentially an old wine in a new bottle and the big companies are fueling the hype. As a player in this technology world; are we aware of the present 'cloud computing' trend and its importance? If your answer is NO..... then here is my blog which I hope would give you some understanding on 'cloud computing' and also the value it brings in. Let me put my blog as simple as possible. As I said in my previous blog, 'Experience is the only lesson to learn something in your life'; I learned many good points when interacting with people around me. Here is one poin...