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Showing posts from January, 2010

Are you on 'cloud'9 ??

It was just a few years, the current tech buzzing word 'CLOUD' blossomed. Larry Ellison, CEO Oracle, said computing industry is the only industry that is more fashion-driven. Even Apple, Inc - not often a follower of industry fashion got into the act. So, does that mean computing industry is seriously on a 'paradigm-shift'? There are also technologists who argue that cloud computing is essentially an old wine in a new bottle and the big companies are fueling the hype. As a player in this technology world; are we aware of the present 'cloud computing' trend and its importance? If your answer is NO..... then here is my blog which I hope would give you some understanding on 'cloud computing' and also the value it brings in. Let me put my blog as simple as possible. As I said in my previous blog, 'Experience is the only lesson to learn something in your life'; I learned many good points when interacting with people around me. Here is one poin...

Are you in search of Happiness?

Here is my first blog You, me and everyone in this world has to go through following states of mind: Happiness and Unhappiness. Let me start with defining Happiness...hmm ok no, first lets know the meaning of happiness by what others already defined it. A well known dictionary meant Happiness as a state of well-being and contentment a pleasurable or satisfying experience Mahatma said Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony. fundoo definitions... aren't they? I have a question here, where does happiness come from? Not sure? I would say happiness come from the results of how we perceive things in our life? you want an example ? Take me as an example, I will feel happy when some one agrees with me else not :) Dont you agree if you get what you desired then you will be happy else you get distressed.. Start digging through your thought processes to find the difference between Happiness and Unhappiness each of you would ultimately end up in knowi...