Here I would like to share some information on how to debug a remote process running on a different machine.
For example take below scenario:
1. We don’t have VS.Net framework installed on a machine/vm, let’s say machine–1.
2. We have VS.Net installed on your production machine. Let us say machine- 2.
3. Able to access machine -1 from machine-2.
4. We have to attach and debug a remote ‘.exe’ process running on machine-1 then, copy “Debugger” folder [C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Common7\Packages ] from machine-2 to machine-1.
Open command prompt and go to ‘Debugger’ folder on machine-1 and run below command
msvcmon -tcpip -timeout -1 -anyuser
machine-1 will now be in listening mode for connections. Now, go to machine-2.
Launch and choose ‘Debug Process’ from ‘Tools’ menu.
Choose, ‘TCP/IP’ from ‘Transport’ drop down list.
And mention the ‘hostname’ or ‘IP Address’ of machine-1 in the ‘Name’ field.
Refresh the process list by selecting ‘show system process’, we can now start your remote debugging. We can also point the 'PDB' file location.
Thats all.....
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